Community Pantry change to opening day for Monday 29th July only

The Community pantry will be closed on Monday 29th July but instead, for one week only, it will be OPEN on Thursday 1st August. 


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Kirsty's Ordination as Priest

Many of us were delighted to be at The Cathedral to see Kirsty Ordained as a Priest on Saturday 29th July. She has been part of our Yare Valley Church family for so many years, we thought we would share this lovely photo from the Diocese of Norwich website.


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Welcoming our new Rector

The Bishop will be welcoming Rev Dave Hanson to The Yare Valley Churches at his Institution service on Monday 29th July, 7pm at St Laurence Church, NR13 5LZ. Refreshments will be available after the service at The Memorial Hall, Links Ave, NR13 5LL.


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Yare Valley Churches Holiday Club 2024




laughs and

Inspiring Bible Stories

Bookings available on

or email


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Bus Pass Holiday Club

Tickets are available for a few remaining days of the Bus Pass Holiday Club. PLease contact Gaye Hailstone for information, or find a booking form in the SLC or the back of St Laurence Church.


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Cafe's at Yare Valley Churches

There's a warm welcome at our cafes in the St Laurence Centre


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Community Cafe - New Opening Hours

We're now open on Mondays and Thursdays from 10m to the St Laurence Centre, Brundall. A warm space serving teas, coffees and cake. There is also a jigsaw lending library available to any who likes puzzles. Come and join us and bring your friends, you can be sure of a warm welcome!


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