
Lent Course 2025

This year’s Lent Course is entitled ‘Alive in Christ’ The writers of the course describe it like this:

‘Alive in Christ is a course for small groups, whose aim is to offer each member of the group a transforming experience of God’s love, enabling them to love and forgive others and helping them to become confident about serving God as a member of Christ’s Body’.

If you feel you need a course which will refresh and inspire you in your faith, then why not come along for the 5 sessions during Lent? The course will run on Thursday mornings and evenings starting from Thursday 13th March Please let Dave know if you would like to come or send an email to the office at admin@yarevalleychurches.org.uk


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Happy New Year !

Happy New Year to you all! As we look into 2025 what can we expect to be happening in the Yare Valley Churches? 

This coming week is a ‘Week of Prayer’ for the parish, and we are having this special focus on prayer as we seek God’s direction for us in 2025. These are the times when we will meet:

  • Monday 6th Jan 9.15am prayer in the St Laurence Centre.
  • Tuesday 7th Jan 6.15pm prayer in  St Laurence Church.
  • Wednesday 8th Jan 12noon prayer in St Laurence Centre.
  • Thursday 9th Jan 6.15pm prayer in St Laurence Church.

I’d like to encourage everyone to come and join at least one of these prayer times or commit to praying at home? 

From next week we will be having a new series on Sunday mornings focusing on prayers recorded in the Bible. Rev Andrew Bevan from the Hardware Shop will be our guest speaker for our first one on Sunday 12th January. It will be great to welcome Andrew and his wife Alison to worship with us.

Our normal activities will be re-starting this coming week -  on Mondays the Community Pantry is open from10am to 1pm in the Church, and our  Community Cafe is open every Monday and Thursday from 10am to 12.30pm in the St Laurence Centre, while Toddler Cafe and Forget-Me-Not Cafe both restart on Tuesday.

Finally, an advance notice that we will be having a Vision Morning on Saturday 25 January which will be held in the St Laurence Centre. The morning will be an opportunity for everyone to have their say about the future priorities for the parish and listen to other people’s ideas as well.


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