Harvest Services
Harvest Services will be celebrated at both Postwick and Braydeston churches on Sunday 6th October.
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Community Pantry change to opening day for Monday 29th July only
The Community pantry will be closed on Monday 29th July but instead, for one week only, it will be OPEN on Thursday 1st August.
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Cafe's at Yare Valley Churches
Follow The Star with Yare Valley Churches
Yare Valley Churches invite you to Follow The Star with us this Christmas, in Braydeston, Brundall and Postwick churches. We have services for all the family to enjoy, so if you enjoy singing Christmas carols, you have children who would enjoy our crib service, or you would like to join us for Midnight communion check out the dates and times on our diary pages.
And join us from 1st December to open a daily family activity on the Follow The Star Advent Calendar.
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In memory of Tom Upton
Tom Upton, a much loved member of our church family, died last February. Since there were still restrictions and concerns over Covid at that time several members of our congregation were unable to say goodbye to Tom at his funeral. A memorial tree for Tom, planted in Brundall churchyard was dedicated by our curate Matt after the 11am service on Sunday 23rd October in the presence of Tom's family, friends and his church family.
Tom arrived in Brundall around 20 years ago. He took an active part in church services and associated activities until he was too ill to attend, just prior to the Covid lockdown. Tom lived with cerebral palsy, he was also a diabetic, had considerable speech difficulties and was wheelchair bound. However, he had an amazing impact on the congregation of St. Laurence Church, Brundall and taught us so much. Although only a few were able to communicate with him. Tom was loved by our congregation and we were privileged to have him within our church family. Those who were able to interact with him enjoyed the benefit of his great sense of humour and his sharp intellect. He handled his difficulties with great courage and his fighting spirit and sense of humour stayed with him until his death in February 2022.
The plaque at the foot of the tree reads...
In memory of Tom Upton 1958-2022
He was always happy to share his smile.
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